Professorship for Visual Computing

The Professorship for Visual Computing was founded in 2020 by Prof. Tobias Günther. Our research is devoted to the design of fundamental methods, algorithms and systems for interactive data analysis, visualization and computer graphics. Our work is driven by interdisplinary research in engineering, meteorology, climate science, geophysics, and fluid dynamics.

Tobias Günther and Holger Theisel's paper “Objective Lagrangian Vortex Cores and their Visual Representations” was accepted at IEEE Visualization!

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Anke Friederici’s paper “Trajectory Vorticity - Computation and Visualization of Rotational Trajectory Behavior in an Objective Way” was accepted in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics!

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Nico Daßler’s paper “Variational Feature Extraction in Scientific Visualization” was accepted as journal article at ACM SIGGRAPH 2024!

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Paul Himmler’s paper “Transmittance-based Extinction and Viewpoint Optimization” was accepted at EuroVis 2024!

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Kai Lawonn’s paper “InverseVis: Revealing the Hidden with Curved Sphere Tracing” was accepted at EuroVis 2024!

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Nikola Kovacevic’s paper “Personality Trait Recognition Based on Smartphone Typing Characteristics in the Wild” was accepted at IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing!

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Project idea awarded at the “Hochschulwettbewerb 2023”! Astrophysicists Dr. Thomas Dauser (FAU) und Dr. Annika Kreikenbohm (JMU) develop in collaboration with our group a VR app that enables an interactive “Expedition to the Black Hole”.


The German research foundation (DFG) supports our new project “End-to-End Optimization for Energy-Driven Scientific Visualization”. We aim to lay the foundations for numerical optimizations that span the entire visualization pipeline.

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Xingze Tian’s paper “A Survey of Smooth Vector Graphics: Recent Advances in Representation, Creation, Rasterization and Image Vectorization” was accepted in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics!

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Kai Lawonn’s paper “GRay: Ray Casting for Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration of Gaussian Mixture Models” was accepted at IEEE Visualization and received an Honorable Mention Award 🏆!

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Christian Sigg’s paper “Photographic Visualization of Weather Forecasts with Generative Adversarial Networks” was accepted in Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems!

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Lukas Bösiger’s paper “Integration-based Extraction and Visualization of Jet Stream Cores” was accepted in Geoscientific Model Development!

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Nicholas Ingulfsen’s paper “News Globe: Visualization of Geolocalized News Articles” was accepted in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications!

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Tobias Günther’s paper “Lagrangian Coherent Structures and Vortex Formation in High Spatiotemporal-Resolution Satellite Winds of an Atmospheric Kármán Vortex Street” was accepted in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres!

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Holger Theisel’s paper “Vortex Criteria can be Objectivized by Unsteadiness Minimization” was accepted in Physics of Fluids!

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Tobias Günther received the “Eurographics Young Researcher Award 2021” and thereby became a Eurographics Junior Fellow!

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The 23rd Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) took place virtually in Zurich from 14-18 June 2021 and was organized by Renato Pajarola (Univ. of Zurich) and Tobias Günther (FAU).

EuroVis 2021 >

Professorship for Visual Computing

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Günther
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department of Computer Science

Cauerstraße 11
91058 Erlangen


More Visual Computing at FAU

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Stamminger
Visual Computing (CS 9)

Prof. Dr. Tim Weyrich
Digital Reality (CS 15)

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Egger
Cognitive Computer Vision