Eurographics Conference on Visualization Short Papers, 2019
Based on an intuitive physical definition of what a finite-time saddle-like behavior is, we derive a mathematical definition. We show that this definition builds the link between two FTLE-based saddle generalizations, which is not only of theoretical interest but also provides a more robust extraction of finite-time saddles.
author = {Bujack, Roxana and Dutta, Soumya and Baeza Rojo, Irene and Zhang, Duan and G{\"u}nther, Tobias},
title = {Objective Finite-Time Saddles and their Connection to FTLE},
booktitle = {Eurographics Conference on Visualization Short Papers},
pages = {49-53},
year = {2019},
publisher = {Eurographics},
address = {Porto, Portugal},
doi = {10.2312/evs.20191169 },