
Course Overview

This page contains a brief overview of the courses offered by the Professorship for Visual Computing. Further information can be found on the 🔗 Overview Page on StudOn.

Winter Semester

Visualization (Vis)

Lecture: 4 SWS, 5.0 ECTS, English, Bachelor and Master

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Seminar Visual Computing (VCHS)

Seminar: 2 SWS, 5.0 ECTS, German and English, Master

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Visual Computing Project (VCPro)

Project: 8 SWS, 10.0 ECTS, English, Master

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Summer Semester

Scientific Visualization (SciVis)

Lecture: 4 SWS, 5.0 ECTS, English, Bachelor and Master

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Physically-based Simulation in Computer Graphics (PhysSim)

Lecture: 4 SWS, 5.0 ECTS, English, Bachelor and Master

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Neural Graphics and Inverse Rendering (NeuGIeR)

Lecture: 4 SWS, 5.0 ECTS, English, Bachelor and Master

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Virtual Courses

All lectures can be viewed virtually all year around and exams are offered at the end of each semester. To take a course virtually (or simply when you are interested in the course material), send your IdM to ✉ tobias.guenther@fau.de and ask for admittance into the respective StudOn course. Note that exercises are only provided in the respective semesters mentioned above.

Bachelor / Master Theses

If you are looking for a Bachelor or Master thesis topic, please see here for more information.